26 January 2008

So, going through a few photos this week...

I like these two, perhaps my favorites of the immediate family.

This was taken in 2004 at Copper Falls State Park in WI.

This was taken in 2007 - same bench - perhaps even the same strange old guy took the picture. Both photographers had the same beef and cheese smell.

Chicago Style Meet 2008

Salix is set to have her last level 5 meet on February 8th - in Chicago. She hoping to stay healthy this year, unlike last year's major bug that totally wiped her out at this time. Salix and Michelle are flying down to stay the weekend wth Jackie - we'll keep you posted. Go Salix!

The boys (and Tilia) get the weekend off. We're planning on going to the Minnesota Zoo - if you are in town - let us know and we can meet there.

Yes, it is upon us...

30 years today on the planet. Whoa...That's all I got to say about that right now.

21 January 2008

Electoral Compass - it seems to point north...

I know that some of you took the abc news political quiz - and some of you had the nerve to question my Sam Brownsomething selection. Well fine, something perhaps a bit more broad in its questions is in order.

Try this, you'll like it.


No, Mr.Sam Brownshin didn't make it into my top three with this one.

I'm sorry for the long post drought - been working a bit on a couple websites - and our camera broke.

Take care- oh, and happy new year!

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