20 January 2007

Acer's Invention...

You all know that Acer views the world with a unique perspective. When I asked him to organize some of the "stuff" in his room...this was the result. Gotta love that kid.

Gymnastics at Concordia - St. Paul

Salix had a great 2nd meet! She increased her scores in all of the events. She has already made a qualifying score to move up to the next level (5)! She has her bigest meet yet coming up-The winter Carnival Classic!

14 January 2007

"Last Place" Chili

Wow, I would have taken a picture for you all, but I ate it all to fast. Michelle makes a great pot of chili! I think that even Chad and Milla would appreciate this stuff. Next time you're in Minnesota we'll make up a batch for you. Oh...why "last place"? A few years ago, Michelle brought this stuff up to Hayward, WI for a chili cook-off. The judges all made comments in a similar vein.

-"This ain't chilli!"
-"This is hotdish, not chilli!"

Chilli in the northwoods requires meat -0 in fact the general rule off thumb is this:

A good chilli contains massive quantities of meat from a variety of different types of mammals.

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