Michelle's mad skilz!
Michelle hasn't done this in years. She looks like she is still a regular at the Lumberjack Bowl! Few of you know that she was world champ in 1983. Yep, both her and Dr. J. - champs in '83.
Here is how the Miami Herald put it in 1983. Michelle doesn't even know that she was mentioned in this article. Surprise, honey.
Six-year-old Cari Ann Hayer, a girl who loves to roll logs like a lumberjack, went to the World Lumberjack Championship competition in Hayward, Wis., Sunday and left with a second place trophy as big as she is, competition officials said. Miami's littlest lumberjack was narrowly beaten in the junior girls' championship by 8-year-old Michelle Dickenson of Hayward. "It couldn't have been any closer," said Cari's father, J.B.
Published on August 1, 1983, Page 1B, Miami Herald, The (FL)