More money to educate urban kids.
I just came across a ridiculous blog post attacking the notion that Urban public schools should receive as many per pupil dollars as they currently receive. Here is the answer:
Student A comes to Kindergarten knowing their name, most of the alphabet, and can do basic addition with their fingers, knows 5 shapes, 10+ colors, and can even write their name.
Student B comes to Kindergatern not knowing their name, knowing none of the alphabet, numbers up to 3, 1 shape(star), and cannot even begin to write their name (which they've just learned on the first day of school). I kid you not that some students in Urban areas are referred to by nicknames up until school begins - I'm not judging this, just stating a fact.
Which student will take longer/more effort to educate to an acceptable Kindergarten standard? Time + Effort = Money. Do the math.