27 June 2008

T-Time's bug bitten eye!

This is the second time in as many months that Tilia has been the recipient of a swollen eye from a bug bite. This isn't nearly as awful as the first episode - in that case, she couldn't even open her eye. This isn't too bad...?

25 June 2008

Favorite baseball teams, anyone?

Acer and I went to mlb.com and looked at all of the teams in the league. He has yet to choose a favorite team. I know, we should push the tribe, hey Joel? We looked at team names/colors/mascots. What other way is there?

I'm disappointed in the logos for some teams - they are utter crap! Especially the new San Diego offering! Not that I pine for the grey with brown pinstripes and brown hats of the mid 80s Tony Gwynn days, but c'mon! That padre hitting a ball was a sweet character.

Father's Day 2008

As a family, we had a cook out at Central Park- it is only 3/4 mile away, so Michelle & the kids biked over while I tried to prepare the grill. Usually, Papa Paul gets together with us on F Day - we'll have to get back to that next year. We really didn't plan on doing anything, but the weather was fantastic and Michelle had a craving for turkey cheese dogs.

We got a few pics of the occasion for the good of all humanity. Your great grandchildren will be thanking you for showing them these snapshots.

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