11 November 2007

Salix's MN state qualifier meet info...

Salix competed last weekend at the 2nd state qualifier meet. It was right down the block at the Roseville Gymnastics Center.

She rocked her 1st event - the bars, and really put a lot of effort into the other events. We're proud of her and hope that she continues to enjoy her sport as she grows. Here is a clip of her bar routine, and a little of Faith's (her teammate) routine as well.

She competes again this coming weekend - the 18th. We'll see you all in Maple Plain.


Joel said...

salix is a stud ... ette.

Ivy said...

Yeha sure, you bet 'ya...We were super proud of her determination last night in a case where EVERYONE thought that the judges mis-scored her best event lower than she ever scored!? More detail later.

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