29 July 2006

Chisago Lakes Triathlon (Kids)

The kiddy race today in Chisago Lakes...Great time for the kids, but the worst managed triathlon ever (I checked).
Both tried hard and left with medals for finishing. Salix wants to do 4 more this summer, and Acer requests a morning jog every day immediately after he wakes up (well, almost). Michelle is looking forward to having baby! It should be anytime now. I don't organize triathlons, but I think that with 300 participants some things would have been worked out. #1 - participants should not use the same exit/entrance for all transitions (both out of and into bike). #2 - do not force competitors to cross paths with other running/biking competitors. I am shocked that no skulls were cracked during this race. If anyone skulls were crushed...I think mohawk boy could've been involved.

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